This is article test 2

The summary of the article

Southern Conference

This is the lead summary.

Quisque eleifend porttitor justo,

Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

Duis ultrices porta est eget efficitur. Praesent nec massa sem.

Aliquam erat volutpat. Suspendisse at turpis scelerisque, tincidunt enim eu, dapibus dolor. Praesent in arcu aliquet, viverra ipsum sed, ultricies mauris.

Mauris sed maximus dolor, in luctus quam.

Donec placerat egestas nibh, at euismod nibh sodales varius. Vestibulum sodales arcu quis elementum rhoncus. Nunc sollicitudin egestas augue a rhoncus.

Disaster relief request from California VFW

California VFW Department Commander Deb Johnson has confirmed the need for financial assistance for veterans affected by the wildfires there.

Midlands VEAC Flyer

PSO Training

8 March 2025 at 10:00AM

November 2024 Checkpoint

Open it up to read all about the great work of VFW Posts around the country.

Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day

As we approach the 83rd anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor, we invite you to participate in a meaningful tribute to honor the memory of a loved one.

Help Those in Need

The Veterans of Foreign Wars of the U.S. is accepting donations to help veterans, service members and military families impacted by natural disasters.

Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day

On Saturday, December 7th, the VFW reflects on this event that changed the course of history for America.

2024 South Carolina Run For The Fallen

18-20 October One Mission ~ One Team ~ One Tribute

VA Refrigerated Prescriptions Shipped Via FEDEX

Comrades, please distribute to all Post members. Thanks

US Congressional District 6 (Walterboro, SC Event)

Representative hopeful Duke Buckner is holding a Veteran Meet and Greet on September 5th at 6pm-8pm in Walterboro, SC.

Post Service Officer Duty Changes

The following changes to Section 218 (12), VFW Manual of Procedure are effective immediately:

July/August 2024 Checkpoint

South Carolina Post Hosts Community Events

South Carolina All Americans

National Resource Directory (NRD)

The NRD is a database of validated resources that supports recovery, rehabilitation, and reintegration for service members, veterans, family members, and caregivers.

Washington Post article on Claim Sharks

Comrades and Commanders, Here is why you Don't feed the Sharks. Please share as widely as you possibly can.

State and Federal Resources for Women Veterans

List of Resources for Women Veterans

Continuing and New Incoming Quartermasters and Trustees for the upcoming year.

We are pleased to announce we'll be offering 3 separate online Zoom training sessions in advance of the VFW SC State Convention.

Darlington Raceway Cookout Southern 500

VFW DEPARTMENT OF SC - OPENING FLAG UNFURL CEREMONY The VFW is honored to participate in the NASCAR Cup Series, Cook Out Southern 500

September is National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month

Suicide is a problem that touches the lives of many Americans. Many of us may know someone, such as a friend, family member, or coworker who has attempted or died by suicide. Over the past two decades, suicide rates have steadily risen in the United States. Suicide is currently ranked 10th for cause of death among all ages. It’s important for you to know that suicide is preventable. With commitment and engagement in our communities, workplaces, and homes, together we can help reduce the number of suicides.

PACT Act Information

Downloadable flyer with a QR code that directs veterans and claimants to our Pact Act website

How Will You Celebrate VFW Day?

The VFW’s story began 124 years ago this month – Sept. 29 to be exact – in Columbus, Ohio

Click on the title below to read the full article on the VFW National website.

VFW Reminds Members to Stay Focused Amid Confusion in the Capital

Leading veterans' groups release Independent Budget Recommendations for the Department of Veterans Affairs

VFW Honors National Black History Month

VFW Remembers Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

VFW Leaders Kick Off New Year With Troop Visits Abroad

Sport Clips Haircuts Donates $1.33M to VFW for Help A Hero, the Largest Veteran Scholarship Program of its Kind

VFW Celebrates Long Overdue Victory as Dole Act Signed into Law

VFW Urges Vigilance in the Wake of New Years Day Terror Attack

VFW Foundation Warmly Welcomes New Executive Director

VFW Remembers President Jimmy Carter

Seasons Greetings from the VFW

VFW Wishes America's Guardians a Happy 5th Birthday

VFW Reflects on the 13th Anniversary of the End of Iraq War

VFW Remembers Pearl Harbor

VFW and Columbia University Announce Military Transition Collaboration

A Thanksgiving Message from the VFW

VFW Action Alert: Pass the Dole Act Now

Message from the VFW National Commander on General Election Results

VFW Reminds Americans that Freedom Isn't Free

Happy Birthday, Marines!

VFW Announces National Initiative with the Grunt Style Foundation to Address Veterans' Mental Health Needs

VFW Honors National Native American Heritage Month

VFW Action Alert: Keep TAP Promotion Act in Defense Bill

VFW, SVA Announce 2024/2025 Legislative Fellowship Selectees

VFW Celebrates the Navy's 249th Birthday

VFW Thanks Members Still Serving in the Wake of Disaster

Sport Clips Haircuts Launches Annual 'Help A Hero' Campaign to Raise $1.5 Million for Veteran Scholarships through Nov. 16

VFW Teams Up with Vetrepreneur to Aid Vets in Business Ownership

VFW Day: Celebrate the Legacy

VFW Applauds Congress Passing Emergency Appropriations for VA

Until They All Return Home

VFW Wishes the US Air Force a Happy 77th Birthday

VFW Honors National Hispanic Heritage Month

Always Remember

VFW Readies for Annual September Legislative Conference

VFW Remembers the End of the Afghanistan War

VFW Admonishes Former President for Medal of Honor Remarks

VFW Awards Nearly $750,000 in Scholarships to Student Veterans

Applications Open for 2024-2025 VFW-SVA Legislative Fellowship

VFW Takes Exception With Service Record Embellishment

VFW Pleased to See Veterans Return to the General Election

Farewell Message from Immediate Past Chief Duane Sarmiento

VFW Elects Al Lipphardt as New National Commander

VFW Outraged Over American Flag and Monument Desecrations in Washington, DC

VFW Bestows Esteemed John A. Biedrzycki Award

Humana and VFW Continue Collaborative Effort to Address Health-Related Social Needs for Veterans

VFW Action Alert: Support the Sen. Elizabeth Dole 21st Century Veterans Healthcare and Benefits Act

VFW Commemorates the Korean Armistice Agreement

VFW at the Starting Gate for the 125th National Convention

VFW Action Alert: Vote Yes to Include the Major Richard Star Act in the NDAA